
Kindergarten Unit 1 - Self Portrait: All About Me!

Crayon on white cardstock

Art element focus: Line

I can identify subject matter and describe relevant details.

I have similar and different characteristics than my family.

Kindergarten Unit 2 - Senses: Create a Fall Leaf out of Paper!

Acrylic (printed texture) on white cardstock-- leaf is twisted to become 3D and resemble fallen leaf!

Art element focus: Form (organic)

I can explore the world using descriptive and expressive words.

I can use my senses to make observations.

Kindergarten Unit 3 - Family Characteristics: How We are Alike and Different!

Oil pastel on colored construction paper

Art element focus: Space (filling up all the space on the page)

I can recognize that people of many cultures make art, and identify a cultural purpose of an artwork.

I can show how my family shares some similar and different characteristics.

Kindergarten Postcard Lesson: Make Someone a Postcard!

Pencil, dry coloring media of choice

Art element focus: Line

Preparing for Winter Break... Focus on giving! Art can be used as a gift. Mail or deliver it.

Kindergarten Unit 4 - Living Things: Our Class Garden!


Collaborative Art; Sharpie and chalk pastel

Design principle focus: Scale

I can build skills in various media and approaches to artmaking.

I can learn about the needs of living things (plants, animals, and humans).

Kindergarten Quarter 4 - Colorful Feelings!


Media: Acrylic paint on white cardstock

Art Element Focus: Color (Primary and Secondary)

Art Objective: I can build skills in various media and approaches to art-making.

ELA Objective: K.RL.10 I can actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.

Kindergarten Art Display Lesson

I can explain the purpose of the portfolio or collection.

Kindergarten End of Year Review/Celebrate Lesson
