Grade 5, Unit 1- Earth's Systems: A View from Space!
Chalk pastel, colored pencil, colored paper, scissors, glue
Art element focus: Value
I can experiment with and develop skills in multiple artmaking techniques and approaches through practice.
I can analyze and interpret data to describe patterns of Earth's features.
Grade 5, Unit 2- Colonial Ship Sculptures
Clay (pinch technique), acrylic
Art element focus: Form
I can compare my ow interpretation of a work of art with the interpretation of others, and can identify and analyze cultural associations suggested by visual imagery.
I can describe and explain the growth and development of the early American colonies.
Grade 5, Unit 3: Principles of the U.S. Constitution: Symbolism
Gelli plate, acrylic on white cardstock
Art element focus: Space (positive and negative)
I can experiment with and develop skills in multiple art making techniques and approaches through practice.
I can assess the underlying principles of the U.S. Constitution.
Pencil, dry coloring media of choice
Art element focus: Line
Preparing for Winter Break... Focus on giving! Art can be used as a gift. Mail or deliver it.
Grade 5, Unit 4: American Expansion: Build our Own Town in 1-Point Perspective!
Collaborative project; Sharpie on colored construction paper (glued on butcher paper with dimensional lines added)
Art element focus: Space--1 pt. perspective
I can combine ideas to generate an innovative idea for artmaking.
I can investigate significant events during America's expansion and the roles people played.
Grade 5, Unit 5: Emotion and Color!
Media: Acrylic paint, construction paper
Art Element Focus: Color (analogous, monochromatic)
Art Objective: I can experiment with and develop skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches through practice.
ELA Objective: 5.RI.9. I can integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
I can define the roles and responsibilities of a curator, and explain the skills and knowledge needed in preserving, maintaining, and preserving objects, artifacts, and artwork.
5th Grade End of Year Review/Celebrate Lesson
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