
2nd Grade, Unit 1 - My Community: I Belong!

Chalk pastel, sharpie on white cardstock

Art element focus: Line

I can create works of art about events in home, school, or community life.

I can describe cultural differences within the community.

2nd Grade, Unit 2 - Changes in Earth's Surface: Volcanoes!

Reused paper, construction paper, glue, scissors

Art element focus: Form

I can repurpose objects to make something new.

I can explain changes to Earth's surface that happen slowly and quickly.

2nd Grade, Unit 3 - Living Things in their Habitats: Butterflies!

Oil pastels on white cardstock with 3D crepe paper flowers

Art element focus: Space

I can experiment with various materials and tools to explore personal interest in a work of art or design.

I can identify living things found in different habitats.

2nd Grade Postcard Lesson: Hearts and Lines!

Pencil, dry coloring media of choice

Art element focus: Line

Preparing for Winter Break... Focus on giving! Art can be used as a gift. Mail or deliver it.

2nd Grade, Unit 4 - Symbols of Unity: Putting Our Class's First Initials Together


Class collaborative project; crayon and watercolor on white cardstock - glued onto poster size paper

Art element focus: Shape

I can discuss and reflect with peers about choices made in creating artwork.

I can show how communities, states, and the nation are united by symbols.

2nd Grade, Quarter 4 - Playing with Color!

Media: Gelli plate, acrylic, black construction paper, scissors, glue

Art Element Focus: Color (Primary/Secondary), Contrasting

Art Objective: I can brainstorm multiple approaches to an art or design problem, and make art or design with various materials and tools to explore personal interests, questions, and curiosity.

ELA Objective: 2.RL.10 I can read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry...

2nd Grade Art Display Lesson

I can categorize artwork based on a theme or concept for an exhibit.

2nd Grade End of Year Review/Celebrate Lesson
